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Green Directory / Fair Trade Stores

Global Girlfriend Phone: 888-355-4321
The Global Girlfriend is a fair trade website boutique . Everything you can purchase at Global Girlfriend is made by and directly benefits US women’s nonprofit programs and women’s cooperatives in 13 countries worldwide. Beautiful handmade paper from Nepal provides an income for survivors of sex trafficking, while intricate pairs of recycled glass earrings are created by women in Bangladesh, whose work is often the main source of income for their families. Clothing varies from yoga pants made by women in southern India to mohair scarves from South Africa to ponchos handcrafted in Brazil. The 30 cooperatives that Global Girlfriend sources from are all in the Fair Trade system, meaning that worker-owners earn a living wage they set themselves, work in safe and healthy conditions, and have access to technical assistance and education opportunities to improve their businesses, lives, and communities.