About Us
GreenBusinesses.net brings together companies, products and ideas
that work toward a sustainable environment.
Green Businesses is here to promote and showcase businesses that are working to protect our environment from global warming and other pollution.
According to a recent report, 88% of the public believes that global warming is real. We believe that businesses should and can be more responsible in their actions and that many consumers choose to be green when they spend their money. This is a trend that will continue to grow.
Would you like to eat at a restaurant that serves delicious, fresh, unprocessed food, uses biodegradable to-go containers and recycles? Would you like to find an architect that specializes in sustainable design features and systems; a landscape architect that uses recycled materials and incorporates resource efficiency? A company that sells solar and wind powered electric and hot water systems?
Are you thinking that hybrid cars are going in the right direction, but that you really want an electric car that can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 4 seconds, has a top speed of 150 mph and costs one penny a mile to drive?
Or how about a company that delivers organic and whole foods to your home or business?
You have come to the right place!
Our website has a green directory to easily find a business that you can support. We have Featured Green Businesses and news stories to showcase what green businesses are doing.
If your company is a green business that would like to be listed in our directory or be a featured business, please contact us at gogreen@greenbusinesses.net.
If you know of a green business or product that should be listed or profiled please let us know that too!
Together we can make a difference!