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Green Directory / Advertising Agencies
Growing Home Inc. |
2732 N. Clark St., Suite 310 Chicago, IL 60614 |
Phone: (773) 549-1336 |
Growing Home is proud to provide quality organic produce to some of the finest restaurants in Chicago. Our produce has been served at Charlie Trotters, Vie, Blackbird, Lula Cafe, North Pond, Bistro Campagne, Handlebar, Wishbone, and Green Zebra.
In addition, you can find our produce through the home delivery service Irv and Shelley's Fresh Picks.
Interested in buying our produce to sell at your restaurant or store? Email us with your produce interests, location, and contact information. |
Oster and Associates Contact: Cheryl Harper |
6225 Lusk Blvd. Ste. A San Diego, CA 92121 |
Phone: 858-535-8101 Fax: 858-535-1925 |
Oster and Associates, Inc., a San Diego based marketing agency, has announced a shif in agency branding to focus on green marketing.
The agency's green focus is dubbed The Green Solution. It's about using available marketing tools to help consumers make more environmentally conscious methods of marketing.
Oster partners with vendors who share the same concern for the environment, such as CPS Printing, which focuses on using recycled papers, soy inks, and wind energy to power their presses. |