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Green Directory / Alternative Energy
Valcent Products, Inc. Contact: Bob Faris or Steve McGuire or Gerry Jardine |
Suite 1010 - 789 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1H2 |
Phone: 1-800-877-1626 Phone: 604-606-7979 |
Vertigro Energy is a joint venture established with Global Green Solutions Inc. to market world wide Valcent's patent-pending Vertigro bioreactor technology developed to provide a profitable and viable renewable energy resource and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Investor Relations
Suite 1010 - 789 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1H2
Bob Faris or Steve McGuire or Gerry Jardine
Tel: 1-800-877-1626 or 604-606-7979
Public Relations
Vorticom, Inc
207 East 57th S
New York, NY 10022
Tel: +1 212 532-2208
E-mail: |