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Green Directory / Churches
The Roman Catholic Church at the Vatican |
A German company, SolarWorld, donated and installed 2,400 solar panels on the top of the Vatican's audience hall after Vatican officials had made public their plans to convert the rooftop into a solar-power generator.
The gift is estimated to be worth about $1.55 million dollars.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane Contact: Rev. Dr. Richard Erhardt |
4340 W. Ft. Wright Dr. Spokane, WA 99224 |
Phone: 509- 325-6383 |
We implement a program of environmentalism and ecospirituality. Our Environmental Stewardship Ministry sponsors environmental workshops; works with staff to reduce energy, garbage, water, paper and toxic chemicals & operates the Church composting program that composts all the church’s organic kitchen waste to use on the grounds. We educate about the spiritual and social importance of contemporary environmental issues striving to make our church a standard-bearer for progressive environmentalism in our community.