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Green Directory / Alternative Fuels

Great Plains Oil & Exploration - The Camelina Company PO Box 261
Havre, MT 59501
Great Plains Oil & Exploration (Great Plains - The Camelina Company) is a renewable fuels energy company founded with the purpose of manufacturing and marketing biodiesel produced from camelina. Great Plains is establishing a growing base and production facilities from which it will product and supply camelina oil with its partner and one of the largest biodiesel producers in the world, INEOS Entrerprises.
Green Earth Fuels, LLC 600 Travis Street
Suite 7000
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 237-2800
Fax: (713) 621-3343
Green Earth Fuels abides by a vertically integrated business model representing end-to-end production of environmentally clean biodiesel. We operate production and distribution sites that are independently located within petrochemical infrastructures in key U.S. coastal locations, allowing for more efficient integration of biofuels with existing diesel or petroleum blends, and avoiding the need for changes in petrochemical infrastructure and distribution systems. Consistently high in product quality, Green Earth Fuels biodiesel fuel meets the stringent specifications of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). It favorably exceeds biofuel carbon and energy balances, and supports both America's agricultural economy and its national energy security. Our model incorporates developing and investing in the production of new feedstock crops and adhering to best practices farming of current crops to promote feedstock sustainability and maximize processing benefits. For example, Green Earth Fuels recently launched a joint venture with Targeted Growth, Inc., a renewable energy bioscience company, to create Sustainable Oils, Inc. a producer and marketer of renewable, environmentally clean, and high-value Camelina-based biodiesel fuel.
Sustainable Oils, Inc.
Sustainable Oils, Inc., is a producer and marketer of renewable, environmentally clean, and high-value camelina-based biofuels. A joint venture between Targeted Growth, Inc., a renewable energy bioscience company, and Green Earth Fuels, a vertically integrated biodiesel energy company, Sustainable Oils is focused on the continued research and development of dedicated energy crops such as camelina. Sustainable Oils solidly supports both agricultural and green energy initiatives with camelina, which is efficiently and economically grown both as a wheat rotation crop (where it is harvested with traditional equipment) requiring minimal water, or on marginal lands which would otherwise be unsuitable for crops.