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Green Directory / Solar Power
SMA Solar Technology AG |
Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Germany |
Phone: +49 561 9522 0 Fax: +49 561 9522 100 |
Global solar technology giant SMA Technologie AG, the parent company of SMA America, Inc., has broken ground on an 82,000-square-foot solar inverter manufacturing plant in Kassel, Germany. The largest of its kind on the planet, the new facility is designed to triple SMA’s current production capacity to meet the global demand for its wildly popular solar inverters. It will support all manufacturing efforts for SMA America including production of the Sunny Boy 3000US/4000US and Sunny Boy 5000US/6000US/7000US inverters, created specifically for the American solar market. |
SolarWorld AG |
Investor Relations / Marketing Communications Germany |
Phone: +49 228/55920-459 or -470 Fax: +49 228/55920-9470 |
The SolarWorld group of companies (ISIN: DE0005108401) is a world leader in providing high quality solar power technology. The company is represented at all the stages of the solar value chain combining industrial activities ranging from the raw material of silicon to turn-key solar power plants. SolarWorld AG is represented in all solar growth markets of the world. The group which is exclusively involved in its core business of photovoltaic technology operates production facilities in Germany and the USA. These supply the SolarWorld AG sales offices in Germany, Spain, USA, South Africa and Singapore. |
Standard Renewable Energy |
Phone: 877.923.7733 Phone: (214) 233-7108 |
Solar energy systems produce electricity for 25 years or more.
Easy Maintenance
Solar energy systems are reliable, durable and virtually maintenance-free. Not only that, but solar panels are designed to withstand significant temperature changes, hail up to 1 inch at 50 MPH, and up to 150 MPH winds.
As a home improvement, solar energy systems have been shown to add $20,000 to a homes value for every $1,000 in annual electricity savings. And since electricity rates continue to rise, you can expect the value of your solar energy system to appreciate more rapidly. |